Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"i'm over charging the industry for what they did to the cold crush"

So i'm hearing rumors that November is hiphop appreciation month.Thats cool and all but for some of us everyday is hiphop appreciation day,just like everyday is african(american-thats on you to add that)history month.I realize im getting into the old man stage of music listening.I really cant mess with half the new rappers that are on some hipster mess,or the others who just get on the mic and list off the new tshirts ,jeans,and sneakers they just bought off karmaloop.com zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.To quote Sean Price"I don't Wale and them new n*ggas".In my opinion all the hip hop groups and most groups in music could get something by just listening and studying these classic performances and battles from the likes of The Cold Crush Brothers,Fantastic 5,Dj baron and Breakout etc....This is pure creative energy,no industry standards,no paying off the dj,no sponsorships just show up perform and rock and shock the house   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGPfn2A68To&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98j1aKFXsqE&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPWWgZETybk&feature=related  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RcGgWBdMXA&feature=related  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86XG7gw4RIA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hwT1JWoEP8&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhVDsr-o61Q&feature=related

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


NOW SOUNDS...........

The past is no more and the future is not yet: both are unnecessarily moving in directions which don't exist. One used to exist, but no longer exists, and one has not even started to exist. The only right person is one who lives moment to moment, whose arrow is directed to the moment, who is always here and now; wherever he is, his whole consciousness, his whole being, is involved in the reality of here and in the reality of now. That's the only right direction. Only such a man can enter into the golden gate. The present is the golden gate. Here-now is the golden gate. ...And you can be in the present only if you are not ambitious--no accomplishment, no desire to achieve power, money, prestige, even enlightenment, because all ambition leads you into the future. Only a non-ambitious man can remain in the present. A man who wants to be in the present has not to think, has just to see and enter the gate. Experience will come, but experience has not to be premeditated."

Monday, November 8, 2010

u.f.o. !!!!

Safety First Pop Bds Oscar Grant Poster


So they gave the cop(no need to put any power behind the mans name anymore) that murdered innocent Oscar Grant The 3rd execution style on a BART platform in front of plenty of witnesses and god 2 years in prison but he will be released in 70 days because his time has already been served. And people are outraged,upset,stressed,and down right angry.I have even less faith in this so called system of law...or really westernized thinking.The courts just told me and every other male of color that our lives are not even worth a dogs,which Micheal Vick got 4 years in prison for fighting and killing.Hmm makes you think doesn't it?To me you are a fool if you think you're financial status or college degrees mean anything in a land where you can be executed just for simply being a skin tone.I'm not saying don't go for yours ,im just wondering what we've been really going?

Sunday, November 7, 2010


our legs our hands our body are here for only about 100 something years if even that...but our vibration, our frequency, our energy, will be here forever........whats more important than our flesh then? think about it! vibrate!!! vibrate!!!

do the cabbage patch dance in zimbabwe with shelltoes

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Friday the Fifth "ELECTRO-AFRO-LITE"
Mama Buzz Cafe will be experiencing the show of the year. The Black
  • Diamond Shining Art collective will be showing artwork for the whole month of November starting at OAKLAND ART WALK this Friday the 5th. Artist Ras Terms, Deadeyes, Safety First, Ashrose, and Antjuan Telepathic Jones coming together taking you through afro-galactic fine street art and invocations. 2318 Telegraph Avenue Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 465-4073


Monday, November 1, 2010


Holistic Health Keys For Women & Liberation
By ChenziRa D. Kahina, MS, NHD, PhD
A Concise Note shared during African Liberation Month-May 2010

Holistic health and wellness for women are central to the work, vision, mission and purpose of any family, village, community and nation. Holistic retreat intensives for women support our ability to realign, restore, resurrect and harmonize our femininity through multiple healing traditions, practices and natural retreat activities that may be integrated into one’s life on a daily basis. Holistic Health for Indigenous Afrakan women includes a basic respect for sacred principles of AST (Sacred Nurturing & Compassionate Mother Principles) within our lives. AST principles represent positive feminine elements of nurturing, mothering, sacred intention, proactive natural ascension, respectful maternal and sister relationships, loyalty and energetic healing to self, family, community and nation. As an “ankh” is a “key of life”, let’s explore our holistic wellness ankhs!

Holistic Health Keys women are encouraged to embrace in our lives are:
•Assess and Know Our Body—Learn the elements of air, fire, earth and water “AFEW”
•Engage in womb nurturing and self-healing practices (“Our wombs are our wombniverse!)
•Think positive thoughts and celebrate life
•Strengthen our spiritual practices for sacred ascension (Women are sacred spiritual beings!)
•Eat wholesome foods with a positive attitude (Just leave the inorganic junk foods alone!)
•Exercise on a regular basis (Minimum 30 minutes daily!)
•Drink water to keep our body hydrated (Minimum 6-8oz glasses daily)
•Visit and celebrate nature as often as possible (When was your last seabath or nature walk?)
•Nurture positive relations with our self, life partners, family and community
•Work with a certified health care practitioner that KNOWS and LIVES in alignment with practices that support women’s wellness
•Embrace “each one teach one as each one heals one” to LIVE UP©!

For more information, email nuwomanrising@gmail.com or visit www.facebook.com/perankh and share a message or request!

who says our ancestors are not here??????